BAR STREET KOS greece summer jobs
We are looking for boys and girls to work in our busy bar as either bartenders, waiter/esses and helpers.We require you to come a.s.a.p. and we ofer you job until end of September! contact tel:+306942970625 or email [email removed] ..... we will waith for you on airport and we will help you with app. ... see you soon
12 Jul 2008, 05:14 aleksandarwest
Bar jobs
Hi, I've been looking online for a job in bar street kos and havnt yet really found anything... and i just found this website and thought i'd give it a go! So if you could please let me know if there is anything going for the end of august. I would like to work outside of the bars getting people into them. I have recently been on a holiday there and absolutly loved it!!! If you could help it would be much appreciated! Thankyou!
Laura Jennings 11 Aug 2008, 05:47 - Report -
bar jobs
Hi ive been looking for a bar job in Kos for summer 2009 and cant really find anything. Please could you give me some more information? Thankyou
John Greenhalgh 23 Jan 2009, 12:25 - Report -
Lookin 4 a any job in Greece ...
Hii i was born in Turkey but now i livin Greece ..need a get job anythin i can do
i spkin Eng nearly perfect also Eng accent
whtever if someone is interest it ill be waitin ur response on my e mail [email removed] thnk youBurak 26 Jan 2009, 07:37 - Report -
bar work
Hi me and a friend are lookin at working abroad for the summer... this is something we both havnt done before but are both eager to try it out and see what its like.... Bar Street Kos is somewhere where we woud like to work for the summer so would be greatful if you could give me some more advice and information about it... if you could email me on [email removed] with this i would be greatful, thank you
Aaron and Amanda 09 Feb 2009, 11:04 - Report -
bar work
hi my name is danny me and my friend are looking to come to kos to work for the summer we are both eaely 20s. i have experiance with working in bar and pr work i have done in grand caneria we want to come asap please get back to me [email removed] thanks.
danny and sam 16 Feb 2009, 01:18 - Report -
2 scottish girls
saw the advert looks ideal for me and my fellow hard-working friend. We are two 21 year old scottish girls wanting full time work all summer !! we have both been to this area for a summer holiday and know where all the good pubs and clubs are and what the holidaymakers of Kos really want!
please get back to us when you get a chance and we can send our Cv and photos.
many thanks
[email removed]Holly Fairweather 11 Mar 2009, 05:04 - Report -
nice italian waiter
hi, im giuseppe italian guy. i just looking for a job as waiter at the restaurant or bar in the summer 2009.i worked as waiter in nice restaurant in rome , i speaking italian, english, spanish and bulgarian languages.
im available from april.if you are interested, please contact me.
email: [email removed]
thanks, giuseppegiuseppe 20 Mar 2009, 06:27 - Report -
jobs in bar street
Hiya, Im Stevie, a 29yo male in Bristol, England looking for any work for the whole of the summer, i have 4 years experience in the pub, bar and food industry covering near all job roles. im a happy go lucky lad, very outgoing and friendly. Im hardworking and punctual and always am willing to learn. i also work well as part of a team. if you have any information please get back to me a.s.a.p. can start immiediatly.
Stevie Hall 25 Mar 2009, 01:54 - Report -
oops! forgot to leave my e-mail
[email removed]
steviehall 25 Mar 2009, 01:58 - Report -
job need
Im From Afghanistan 2 years ago i came in Greece i want to have a good job and life better please help me this is my tel:6957605456
parwez 24 Apr 2009, 01:22 - Report -
hay hay look out its just me pikos from oz
hello aleks n arwest my name is rick from sydney aust yes i am part greek n ita and speek eng so bro if your looking for a guy in his 30s have work in the past in the bar n as a waiter but looking to have some fun as well bro my email is [email removed] or my cell is 0412231781 ty pikos.
pacifico rico Accetta 26 Apr 2009, 03:26 - Report -
Bar jobs
hi my name is gary cosgrove.i recently got a job in kos working for a hotel,but know the company claim to say that due to the financial climate i may not be needed,i have already purchased my ticket to the island,i have Greek family living in Rhodes and i worked there from 99-2004 as a bar manager,i have 10 years experience of bar work,my flight is on may the 8th,if you know of any bar jobs in kos i would be extremely [email removed] .i am 31 years old and have no dependents.
gary cosgrove 29 Apr 2009, 03:52 - Report -
Work in Greece 2009
Hello I am looking for a job in summer 2009 in Paralia, Katerini, Olympic. beach Please contact me [email removed]
Maryen 30 Apr 2009, 06:30 - Report -
Work in Greece
Hey, I am looking for a summer job in 2009, around June - September, just before i go to university.
Im 17, female and would love a job in the sun, serving or cleaning. Anything really.
I am friendly, from Scotland so fluent in English and can speak some French.
E-mail ; [email removed]Rebecca 10 May 2009, 03:19 - Report -
You want to work or teach?
Guys looks like you can easily find a job for English teacher or a bar staff in Macedonia, Skopje rather than Greece! Macedonians welcomes anyone! Greeks are having businesses in Macedonia for cheaper labour and life is cheaper in general compare to Greece... I have also noticed that Geeks are also shopping for food in Macedonian shops and markets. So don't think twice you'd love it !!!
Jason 19 May 2009, 04:01 - Report -
Summer Job | Bar Job
Hi there greets from Spain, my name is José and I am looking for a job in Kos or other greek island for this summer. I can start inmediately. I have some experience in Bar and Catering Service. I speak English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Galician, and i understand some french.
E-Mail: [email removed]José Santos 22 May 2009, 11:39 - Report -
Work in KOS
Hello there, firstly allow me to introduce myself, my name is Pippa and i am writing to you because i am looking for a summer job in Greece and researching the internet i came across your venue, which sounds perfect. I have years of experience in, dancing, performing, PR, waitressing and barwork and also the qualifications. I am really looking forward working abroad this year especially in my favourite country, Greece. I have already booked my flights to Kos on the 20th June. I am very committed and hard working and would love for the opportunity to work for you. I would really apprecaite it if you would look at my CV and pictures to see if i have what it takes. I look forward to hear from you, Pippa.
email [email removed]Pippa Langhorne 03 Jun 2009, 06:19 - Report -
We are the one!! :-)
Hi, we are 3 girls, one Czech and two Lithuanians, we met last summer in Greece and worked together on island of Patmos. We are experiences, speak just fluently English. We are 21 and 22. Thank you so much, we can send you CVs and pics. [email removed]
Veronika Janikova 03 Jun 2009, 09:29 - Report -
Australian hard working bartender
i will be on Kos all summer, i arrive on the 11th of june, and want to start work straight away. 8yrs bar experience, with spirit and cocktail knowledge. can flair aswell. Would love to be in a busy pumping bar working hard!!
let me know if there is a position.
[email removed]Mark Walker 05 Jun 2009, 05:55 - Report -
Summer Job...
I'm an Italian boy. I would be very pleased to bring my professional skills to your notice. I'll be in Greece from June 10th and I'd be interested in finding a summer Kos, too. I have some experiences in waitressing, but I consider myself a very dynamic person and will to work, so I am ready to do everything I'm asked for.
Let me know if there are some vacancies in this sector.
Thanks for your consideration.
Walter Pascarella.
P.s.: My email address is : [email removed]
Mobile: +39/338.44.65.778Walter Pascarella 05 Jun 2009, 08:26 - Report -
Bar work
Hi just arrived back from Kos and would like to return as soon as possible
I realise it will be work,work and work but I would love the challenge so if you have a' live in' job for a fun and confident guy in his 30's fluent in English and Welsh please e-mail me at [email removed], Thanks.
Lewis 09 Jun 2009, 11:42 - Report -
Super-fantastic experienced blonde smiley cheerleading barmaids/waitresses/publicists...need work :D
Hi, I am seeking more information regarding employment as waitresses/barmaids for me and my friend Eli, between june and the end of september 2009. We are both experienced waitresses and bar tenders, both your extremely enthusiastic, energetic, blonde cheerleading sorts, both very good communicators in english, but Eli is also fluent in greek, whilst I am only learning the basics. Any more information would be gratefully received, including info about accomodation, and whether it is provided. You won’t be disappointed ;D Many thanks, Elle (and Eli).
Elle and Eli (Eleanor Hammacott and Eli Wills) @ 09 Jun 2009, 06:12 - Report -
hi mu name is goran lm from skopje,l have experiens about waiter & bartender,l was working 3summers in monte negro,now l need a job in grece,l spaek english,mu phone number is 0038970579413. 14 Jun 2009, 04:04 - Report -
im looking 4 work in kardamina asap
bin there many times an fell in love with the place, i am a chef an a doorman in liverpool england an board to hell,would be willing to seatle out there 4 gud if i could 29 Jun 2009, 05:30 - Report -
looking for PR work in Kardemena for 2009
just come back from kardemane and loved it so much that i have decided to do it next year any jobs on bar street or waiter jobs would be amazing. get in touch if you have any vacancies thanks, Connor
[email removed] 17 Jul 2009, 01:38 - Report -
Bar Work
Heya, I've found this post and reckon this job would be ideal for me, Im a girl from Essex, im always up for a laugh, laid back and can get along with anyone... Plz let me know if there are still jobs going, would be perfect.. [email removed] Thank you Zoe Finch.xx
Zoe Finch.. 19 Jul 2009, 05:24 - Report