is the romanian language similar to any other languages? trying to see if my language backround will help me learn faster.
07 Jul 2008, 10:19 Mentha
hi Mentha
The Romanian language is a Romanic language,based on the old latin. Very similar to French, Italian ,Spanish and Portuguese. To get an idea about the similarity , check out the next example:
Latin : ea claudit semper fenestram antequam cenat.
French: Elle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner/souper.
ItalianLei) chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare.
Spanish :Ella siempre cierra la ventana antes de cenar.
Romanian :Ea închide totdeauna fereastra înainte de cina.Michaël 10 Nov 2008, 12:22 - Report -
International Romanian Summer Course 2009
- Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania -
Enjoy the Transylvanian experience while learning a foreign language. BRIDGE LANGUAGE STUDY HOUSE Educational and International Examination Centre from Cluj-Napoca offers you the unique opportunity of studying Romanian language with experienced native speaker teachers in a traditionally Transylvanian background.
The aim of the summer course is to offer anyone interested in learning Romanian an interactive and comprehensive language learning opportunity in pleasant and comfortable surroundings. The added value of the learning programme consists in the following:
• our communicative and practical teaching approach which encourages a very fast progress
• an intensive focus on the cultural background of the language you wish to familiarise with
• the unique opportunity of taking the only internationally recognised ECL Romanian language exam at the end of your studies
• the possibility to attend our extra-curricular cultural programme
Course types
Within our Summer Course you have the possibility to choose the course-format best suitable for your learning purposes and learning style. We offer 3 types of courses, all of which include an additional weekly cultural programme:
• Group-course – min. 3-max. 8 learners in a group
• One-to-one course – tailor-made intensive programme for 1 learner (can focus on specific needs)
• Tandem course - tailor-made programme for 2 learners at the same level (you will have to enrol at the same time)
The language programme also includes practical project-work, whereby learners will have the opportunity of applying their Romanian knowledge in well-defined real-life situations outside the classroom.
If you wish to choose a course-only programme, you can find the 3 course-types above in our Year-Round programmes offer. Our price-list is available for both programmes on:
Cultural Programme
The cultural activities are offered once a week in the afternoon and include such programmes as: tour of the city, visits to the Art, History and Ethnographic Museums, afternoon trips in surrounding cultural heritage sites or natural sights etc.
The social activities are offered in the evening and include such programmes as: welcome party, International night, arts and crafts exhibition, traditional Transylvanian dance-performance; photo exhibition, etc.
The trips are organised every Saturday and they aim at introducing our guests to the traditional beauties and treasures of Transylvania. The most popular destinations are as follows: the wooden churches of Maramures; the Unesco Heritage citadel of Sighisoara; the 2007 European Capital of Culture, Sibiu; the Unesco Heritage castle of Hunedoara, etc.
If you need any assistance with regards to booking your accommodation, we would be happy to help you. We can recommend you different types of accommodation depending on the level of comfort and budget you wish to opt for.
Please find some possible types of accommodation below:
a). Guesthouse/Hostel:
- 'Heltai' Guesthouse – single or shared room available, breakfast incl.– from 15 €/night
- Bethlen Kata Hostel - single room, breakfast incl. – from 20 €/night
- Retro Youth Hostel – single or shared room available – from 13 €/night
b). Hotel: single room, breakfast incl. – from 36 €/night
c). Host-family: single room, breakfast & dinner incl.) –20 €/night
Accommodation booking fee: 20 Euro
Airport transfer
On request, we can offer a ‘meet and greet’ service for you on arrival and a drop-off on departure. Alternatively you can order a taxi form/to the airport, however please beware of unregistered taxi-companies and ask for a list of recommended companies.
Price of ‘meet and greet’ (return): 30 Euro
How to enrol the programme?
• choose the period and type of course best suitable for your learning needs
• complete the online enrolment form and forward it to Bridge LSH
• confirm any preliminary language knowledge and learning needs to Bridge LSH
• complete the level check test (only if you have preliminary language knowledge)
• if needed, request assistance with accommodation and transfer booking
• on confirmation of the programme transfer the course-fee to Bridge LSH
For any additional information please visit our website on
Deadline for enrolments: 30 May 2009
Should you need further information please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope that you will spend the summer with Bridge Language Study House.
Str.Dorobantilor Nr.67 - 400609 Cluj
Tel./Fax: 0364-101088/0364-116088
Email: [email removed]
[email removed]Gyongyver Pillich-Wright 08 May 2009, 03:01 - Report -
it depends on the languages you speak. for instance, when translating mot-a-mot some phrases, you will learn roumanian is quite similar to german.
also, as someone already said before, it´s easier to learn if you know spanish, french, catalan and italian.aly 04 Jun 2009, 04:14 - Report