
The quirks of Romanian culture

Romania, and the Carpathian region in general, has long had a reputation for taking its superstitions extremely seriously. Age old beliefs continue to play an important part in the everyday lives of the country’s people, however irrational they may seem to the outside world.

The stereotype that Romanians are fanatical about the supernatural is arguably thanks to their portrayal in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Nevertheless, spend some time with the locals and it will soon become evident that these folkloric tales are still believed to this day.

So entrenched in Romanian culture, the origins of these beliefs are now largely unknown. The following are just a few Romanian superstitions that reflect the way in which they permeate all aspects of life. 


Superstitions concerning weddings are seen in many cultures all over the world and Romania is no exception.

Whereas in many countries it is commonly believed that the bachelorette who catches the brides bouquet will be the next to marry, in Romania the story is a little different. Before the wedding the names of the single girls attending are written on the soles of the bride’s shoes. The name that is not rubbed off by the end of the celebrations will be the next bride-to-be.  

Although for many, rain on your wedding day would signal disaster, Romanians believe that it means you will have a long and happy marriage.  


Even everyday tasks in a Romanian home cannot be undertaken without careful consideration.

Ensuring all doors and windows are air tight is extremely important. Drafts are considered evil in Romania, and believed to be the culprit behind a whole host of ailments.  

It is thought to bring back luck if you leave a house through any door other than the one that you entered through. And once you have left, don’t even think about looking back or misfortune will be coming your way.  


Many superstitions in Romania involve things to avoid if you do not wish to lose your money. Whistling indoors, for example, is a big no-no, as it is thought to result in huge financial loss.

An itchy right hand, however, indicates that your are going to come into money soon. It is also considered lucky to always carry a coin in your pocket.


Numbers mean different things to different people. Like in many other cultures, in Romania the number 7 is thought to bring good luck. It is thought to be very lucky indeed if your name contains seven letters or if you are the seventh child born into a family.

A bouquet should always have an odd number of flowers in it. Traditionally bouquets of an even number of flowers are used when someone dies and at funerals.

Possibly one of the strangest Romanian superstitions concerns a whole day of the week. Be on guard every Tuesday, each one is thought to contain three hours of bad luck. © 2003-2025 Just Landed