Dentistry in Canada .How it works?

  • I would like to have information about Dentistry in Canada .How it works? for an inmigrant
    I am a dentist from Latin america and actually i am in all the process to inmigrate .I would like to have contact and share opinions with somebody in this career field , dentists , dental assistants or dental higyenists or somebody who can help me with any information
    BEst regards

    26 feb 2006, 06:14 Anonymous
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  • certifications

    In order to work as a dentis, you need to approve a process of certification with the Province where you chose to live. The process may take a few years, so it is not a slam dunk

    Anonymous 27 feb 2006, 04:14 - Denunciar
  • any province only to immigrate

    thanks for your response
    in order to work as a dentist , first of all i have to obtain a certification in any province .But , i want to know if the dentists can qualify and inmigrate as skilled workers , before they get this certification ? and in which provinces they can be accepted, for example , i know that in Manitoba , it is a restricted profession .Do u know any province only to immigrate without this certification

    Anonymous 09 mar 2006, 04:13 - Denunciar


    Anonymous 22 may 2006, 05:50 - Denunciar
  • Get the FACTS! And Free Support.

    Don't let the garbage from the above website steer you off your exploration. Misery loves company.

    And more importantly, don't become one of the disgruntled, disillusioned people from the website in the entry above, that have the wrong expectations about Canada.

    It is not perfect, nor does it promise a 'Free Ride', or easy money.

    Relocation to Canada is tough and valuable and something to be proud of once you achieve it.

    Just like anything worth doing...

    Explore more facts like this, and free support at:
    NuPAD Solutions Canada -

    Anonymous 15 jun 2006, 06:11 - Denunciar
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