Italian tourist tax

  • Here at least is the Corriere article substantiating in more detail the daily permesso costs. Basically Bologna has already implemented it effective June 19th 2006 the 5 euro a day tax for tourists. The other provinces will assess the tourist taxes as of Jan 1, 2007. Evidently each city or commune can levy its own Permesso di Soggiorno daily tourist tax costs. This is on top of additional taxes and costs to enter historical sites, churches and including in some areas an addded luxury levy in certain instances. Some quasi independent provinces in the south are clamoring for a still higher tax especially in the more affluent upscale tourist regions. Last but not least: Several months ago a proposal was broached by one of these regions to grant premium beach front rights for the exclusive use of certain oil producing countries and their entourage. Evidently they deemed that since they would spent more than tourists of all persuasions combined they had a democratic given right to this exclusivity. It didn't however positively impact Italy's gas prices;the highewst in Europe and indeed much of the world. This of course demonstrates democracy in action where the patricans perhaps trump the plebeians.


    Anonymous 16 Nov 2006, 02:56 - Report
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