Netherlands Guide: Language
Learning a foreign language is difficult for everyone - but it becomes a lot easier if you do it in an efficient way. Read our guide on language schools, courses and books, language exchanges and tricks to get the language basics.
Learning Dutch
Getting to grips with the language
The Netherlands is home to one of the more polyglot populations in the world. It is rare to find someone who does not speak some English, and the majority speak it fluently. This can actually be one of the challenges for people learning the local language, as people might answer back in English to a learner. It is also common for people to have some capability in other languages.
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Getting started
Some hints and tips on learning Dutch
Learning Dutch probably is not the easiest language in the world. Pronunciation is very difficult for many people. The good news is that its grammar and spelling follow strict rules, without too many exceptions, so they can be learnt quite easily.