• United States Foreign workers Recruitment Program

    The Managing director of the United States Foreign Workers Recruitment program has opened a wide range Job opportunities for those seeking for the following post; visit our website for available vacancies. Interested applicants will be assisting for visa processing and accommodation. Apply immediately through the company secretary or Human resource; Email [email removed] and for further information. We advise you to act immediately as this offer doesn¡¯t last.
    Each year, the United States Workers Recruitment Program Agency (usfwrpa) provides thousands of people from all parts of the world with job opportunities. Usfwrpa is one of the most rewarding and valuable opportunities available to young adults, ages 18 to 50 years. Our organization currently has 8,720 full time workers from all parts of the world that we posted to work in our farms and other related companies in America and other countries.
    Kind Regards,

    From Paul Hilton
    Program coordinator

    Paul Hilton 01 Dec 2007, 06:09 - Report
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