
  • I'm a Portuguese guy living in the UK and I if I was a closed minded idiot like you I would also take my bad experiences and come to forums bash the country that I chose to start a new life.

    I could say UK it's all chavs claiming benefits, rude people always saying f**k in every sentence they use, worst transport system I've ever seen ,etc.

    But no, it's more than that. There are the very polite people, amazing service most places I go, great musicians and comedians, etc.

    So I feel I can't say UK are all chavs or UK people are all ultra polite. In every country there's a bit of everything.

    That portuguese rudeness you're talking about is not rudeness, it's just the way it comes across to foreigners. There's certain accents in Portugal that sound like we're arguing and shouting with eachother but trust me, it's just the way of some people. In the beginning I found funny that some english people thought I was arguing when I was talking to other Portuguese people. It just Portuguese people have a sort of a passion when they're talking about something that make it sound like they're upset or something.

    I hope you can open your heart a little bit and try to find the good instead of focusing on the bad things. If you stay long enough they'll win you over, you'll see.

    Carlos 03 Feb 2009, 10:02 - Report
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Portuguese people are absolutely nice

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