
  • I´m mexican and i went in a compani of IT Services, I worked there for one year, if you have a program to take me and work there I´ll go when I finish my universiti I´m studing Mecanical and Electrical Engeenerin, so mabe if a prefeccion mi english i will do the best for you, i have the experences with the people there i was studing for 6 monts in Cadiz, I very patient with the people wen I worked at that compani I answerd calls to help people with celular phones´s problems, so if you want I can speak english but I speak spanish as you know. Mi e-mail is [email removed], Tanks.
    Francisco José López Alvarado
    22 años
    23 de febrero de 1984
    Student Machanical and Electrical Engeneering
    1 year of experience in answer tecnical and suporting call
    6 monts living in Cadiz, Spain
    70% English
    100% Spanish
    Good voice

    Anonymous 25 Sep 2006, 04:39 - Report
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Various jobs in Spain and Gibraltar

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